Planning Educational Activities for Health Professionals and Interprofessional Healthcare Teams

Below are steps that will help guide the planning process

► Determine Target Audience

If you determine the target audience is made up of two or more professions, consider making it an interprofessional activity. 

► Decide on Activity Goals

Ensure your activity is designed to change skills/strategies, performance and/or patient outcomes. If the activity is interprofessional, these goals should focus on the healthcare team as opposed to individual learners. 

► Select the Activity Planning Committee

The activity planning committee must have a member credentialed to represent each profession selected as the target audience. For example, if the target audience is physicians, you must have an MD on the planning committee. Document your planning committee meetings. 

► Define the Gap

The gap answers the question of why the education/training is needed. Keep record of all data sources and references used to determine the gap. We will ask you to compile them and include them in the application when we get to that stage. 

► Create Learning Objectives

The objectives will be the roadmap of how the learners will make changes in their skills and strategies etc. Make objectives measurable! We recomment you use Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs to achieve measurable, higher-level learning. 

► Ensure Content Validity

All learning must be based on current science, evidence and clinical reasoning, while giving a fair and balanced view of diagnostic and therapeutic options. Although accredited continuing educatin is an appropriate place to discuss, debate, and explore new and evolving topics, these areas need to be clearly identified as such within the program and individual presentations. It is the responsibility of accredited providers to facilitate engagement with these topics without advocating for, or promoting practices that are not, or not yet, adequately based on current science, evidence and clinical reasoning. 

► Determine Faculty/Speakers/Facilitators

Choose planners/speakers that are skilled in the topic. Ensure they do not have motives for participation other than to educate the target audience. Later in the process, CHAMP-ED will collect information about relevant financial relationships to help protect the educational space from commercial bias. 

► Contact CHAMP-ED to Begin the Accreditation Process

Details of this process are under the "Activity Accreditation Process" tab. You can contact our office at [email protected] with questions.