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Welcome to the Student Case Submission Form for ECHO Idaho's K12 Education: School Nurses series.

Case Study Discussion Guidelines
As part of our training, we will be engaging in discussions about student case studies. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other, share experiences, and explore solutions collaboratively. Please provide your contact information. We will not share this information


Student Information Privacy

Please do not include any identifiable student information such as: Personally identifiable Information (PII), or Protected Health Information (PHI) or information protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact [email protected]


Student Information

Our discussions must also strictly comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  

FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. This means that any academic information, such as grades or educational services received, should not be shared without explicit consent from the student or the student's parents if the student is a minor.  

Meanwhile, HIPAA safeguards patient health information. Under HIPAA rules, it is prohibited to disclose health information that could identify a patient. This includes medical histories, treatment records, or any other health-related information.  

Discussion Etiquette
1. Please use broad terms when discussing a student’s academic performance or health information. 
2. Consider using fictitious names or simply refer to the student as "the student." 
3. Share information only as relevant to the professional development of the group, always keeping the student's privacy at the forefront. Our goal here is to learn and grow as professionals, not to investigate personal details of our students' lives. Their trust in our services hinges on our commitment to confidentiality and respect for their private information. Thank you for your commitment to upholding these crucial standards.

Thank you for completing ECHO Idaho's K12 School Nurses Student Case Submission Form. You will receive a copy of your responses in the email you provided and be contacted by ECHO staff about presenting your case in a session or follow-up consultation with a panelist within two business days.