1 Start 2 Complete Welcome to ECHO Idaho's Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Patient Case Submission Form.Please complete as much of the form as you can. We understand you might not have all the data. Please do not include any specific client specific of Protected Health Information (PHI). If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact [email protected]. Presenter first and last name * Credentials * Email * Phone number * Organization * City * ECHO Idaho offers $100 in compensation for case presentations. Would you like to accept compensation for presenting this case? * Yes (ECHO staff will reach out to you with compensation paperwork that must be completed three weeks prior to your presentation date.) No, I would like to donate my time. Please do not include any identifiable patient/client information, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or Protected Health Information (PHI). If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact [email protected]. * Click here to acknowledge. PATIENT INFORMATION Gender Identity Female Male Transgender Other, please specify. Gender Identity Other, please specify. Age Check all that apply or relate to your main question. Behavioral symptoms: Aggression, sexually inappropriate behavior, wandering, elopement, safety concerns Psychiatric symptoms: mood, paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia Issues with ADLs and IADLs including toileting/incontinence, showering, sensory loss Diagnostic clarification Advance Care Planning Caregiver support Medication recommendations Other, please specify. Check all that apply or relate to your main question. Other, please specify. Based on the key concerns identified above, please summarize the patient’s condition, the current situation, and any specific questions you have for the ADRD ECHO Panel. * Current and past medical history (select all that apply if information is available): Hypertension Diabetes Hyperlipidemia CAD Stroke Seizures Head injury Anxiety Depression Hearing loss Sleep apnea Delirium Falls Thyroid abnormalities Other, please specify. Current and past medical history (select all that apply if information is available): Other, please specify. Has your patient every been formally diagnosed with dementia or another brain health condition? Yes, they have been diagnosed No, they have not been diagnosed but are showing signs of possible brain condition I don't know if they have been diagnosed Please provide more information about the diagnosis. Pertinent Labs NormalAbnormal CBC CBC - Normal CBC - Abnormal CMP CMP - Normal CMP - Abnormal A1c A1c - Normal A1c - Abnormal Lipids Lipids - Normal Lipids - Abnormal TSH TSH - Normal TSH - Abnormal B12 B12 - Normal B12 - Abnormal Vitamin D Vitamin D - Normal Vitamin D - Abnormal HIV HIV - Normal HIV - Abnormal RPR RPR - Normal RPR - Abnormal Please elaborate on any lab abnormalities from above and other pertinent results (folate, MMA, homocysteine, etc.). What neuroimaging has been completed and what were the results? Please list the medications used (indicate past or current if known): Are there any challenges or concerns that you have regarding this patient's medication regimen (e.g., adherence, side effects, cost, drug interactions, complexity)? No If yes, please explain. Are there any challenges or concerns that you have regarding this patient's medication regimen (e.g., adherence, side effects, cost, drug interactions, complexity)? If yes, please explain. If cognitive screening has been completed, please provide test type, score, date (e.g. SLUMS, CPCOG, MMSE, MoCA, MINI-COG)? Relevant substance use history: None EtOH Opioids Nicotine Caffeine Cannabis Other, please specify. Relevant substance use history: Other, please specify. Social History: Please describe the patient’s living arrangements (Where? With whom? Who provides care?) and their social supports (family, friends, community resources, home health services). Goals of care: What is important to the patient/family (physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual care)? Please add any additional contextual information about this case, if appropriate. Thank you for completing ECHO Idaho's ADRD Case Submission Form: Case consultations do not create or otherwise establish a provider-patient relationship between any clinician and any patient whose case is being presented in this clinical setting.No personally identifiable health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII) appears in answers on the above form, in compliance with HIPAA privacy laws. You will receive a copy of your responses in the email you provided and be contacted by ECHO staff about presenting your case in a session or follow-up consultation with a panelist within two business days. Leave this field blank