Raising Referrals While Lowering Risk: Understanding and Referring to the National Diabetes Prevention Program in Idaho
The National Diabetes Prevention Program is an evidenced based program that is proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. Engaging health care providers in talking to persons with prediabetes about their risk and referring them to the National DPP evidence-based program is proven to increase access to and participation in these programs.
In this learning event, participants will learn about the National DPP program, about DPP programs in Idaho and the important role of health care providers in supporting and referring to these programs.
Through panel discussion of National DPP providers in Idaho and health care providers, the success of the program will be discussed as well as critical opportunities for collaboration between the health care team and these community evidence-based programs.
For more information on the National Diabetes Prevention Program and guidance on starting a program in your community, please contact Dorothy Plaza at [email protected].
Target Audience
Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Dietitians
Linelle Blais, PhD
Rosette Chakkalakal, MD, MHS
Lyshell Grigg, MS, RDN, LD
Bridget Morrisroe, LMSW, CDC DPP Healthy Lifestyle Coach
Elaine Nguyen, PharmD, MPH, MBA, BCACP
Sarah Piper, MPH, CDCES
Dorothy Plaza, BSN, RN
Rosette Chakkalakal, MD, MHS
Robin Mangan, LPN, DPP Coach, Population Health Nurse
Bridget Morrisroe, LMSW, CDC DPP Healthy Lifestyle Coach
Sarah Piper, MPH, CDCES
Dorothy Plaza, BSN, RN
| In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by the University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical University and the Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center. The University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. |
This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change. | |
| The University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. |
| This activity is approved for continuing nursing education (CNE) hours. This activity is approved for 1.0 pharmacy contact hours. Unique Universal Activity Number JA0008152-9999-24-007-H04-P |
Continuing Education (CE) credits for psychologists are provided through the co-sponsorship of the American Psychological Association (APA) Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP). The APA CEP Office maintains responsibility for the content of the programs. | |
| Social Worker Credit: For the purpose of re-licensure, the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses recognizes the University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program as a provider of continuing education. All continuing education hours must be germane to the profession of social work at the individual’s particular level of social work licensure and the presenter’s level of education must be at the licensee’s level or above (Idaho State Board of Social Work Examiners 24.14.01 Rule 351-03b). Final acceptance of the credit for recertification resides with your state board. Participants from states outside of Idaho are welcome and encouraged to attend! Please check with your state certification and licensure boards for specific considerations regarding claiming continuing education for participation in WWAMI Medical Education CE programs. |
Available Credit
- 1.00 ACPE PharmacyThis activity is approved for 1.00 pharmacy contact hours.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™The University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program designates this activity for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
- 1.00 ANCCThis activity is approved for a maximum of 1.00 continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hours.
- 1.00 APAContinuing Education (CE) credits for psychologists are provided through the co-sponsorship of the American Psychological Association (APA) Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP). The APA CEP Office maintains responsibility for the content of the programs.
- 1.00 ASWB ACE CreditAs a Jointly Accredited Organization, The University of Idaho, WWAMI Medical Education Program is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved under this program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. Social workers completing this course receive 1.00 general continuing education credits.
- 1.00 Continuing Education Credit
- 1.00 IPCEThis activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.